вторник, 9 октября 2007 г.

To grow thin... How devil take it it to make?!!!

Look at a picture at the left... The Disgusting, fat, brown monster! To you still long remains to enter into such form? Or can you of have learned? Well, also what to do further? Can cry with burning... It is even better to complain and accuse all and all!!! Or in general to attach a label of the most over person in this world...

And it is possible to take itself in hands and day after day to go to the planned purpose - to a beautiful healthy attractive body. Let on it year or three years is required. Unless it is term??? Especially there are thousand people to which it was possible.

You know, what is necessary to grow thin, become more healthy and to carry out your dreams?

Knowledge, formation, aspiration, actions and motivation!

So that! Here 5 simple tools - and you on a way to success.
... Are important, as we often really do not realize, that some insignificant actions generally lead to excessive weight. For example, you drink one glass of soft drink in day or more? In ONE glass of soft drink (200 gram) 120 calories contain. And in fact 20 minutes in day are necessary to be engaged in trainings TO BURN these calories!!! Besides in these drinks many unnecessary chemicals! Having switched to simple water, within a year you can grow thin considerably.

Or can you eat up for children? ONE slice not too is a lot of, but a lot of such « one slices » for all the day turn to ONE BIG piece. And all this leads to adiposity.

Many people swear, that at them really healthy habits. You too so deceive yourselves?

Open the eyes, steadfastly analyse the actions and look for ways owing to which you it is easy and without special efforts change the actions in the best, healthy party!
... It is important, as we should know, that is useful to health. Today, probably, to live much more difficultly, than ever! There Is so many confusing and inconsistent advice that is useful for health and that is harmful.

I do not know, how correctly it is necessary to eat. Fairly, I do not know. I - not the dietician, not the doctor and not the expert on a feed, but I indoubtedly expert in what it is not necessary to eat! Are YOUR sins!!! To me it is not important, how many time you heard a phrase « you can eat everything, that you love, and, nevertheless, to grow thin ». No, you CAN not! If you LOVE meal, it already a part of a problem. I consider, the person should love a life, instead of meal. Learn itself concerning what meal healthy and is combined with YOUR style of a life.
YOU should aspire to success and really wish to change the life. Insufficiently simply to wish TO GROW thin!

In fact that then? Guess.. Excess weight will return! You should, should and once again should make the purpose constantly to conduct a healthy way of life and to aspire to carry out it.
As soon as you have found out, that is not useful to an organism, and have found out, in what exactly it you and are engaged, you should aspire to change. And all that to you needed to be made - to start to operate! Be convinced, that you every day supervise a situation. It is the basic step in a correct direction.
Has very often put goes hardly. And all because is not present motivation. Put before itself a little short-term and long-term objectives, think up for itself the award for their achievement and make this process cheerful! For example, buy a terracotta decorative flower bed and small tiles, glasses, various ornaments or stones. Every day adhere to the planned plan, battle to the sins and as soon as you reach the daily purpose, paste in one subject on walls of a bed. By the end of year you will have the most beautiful bed, and you will grow thin!

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